Your January ideas are here! I’ve found spending time on my own creative practice outside of what I might do for clients, or what I consider work, to be incredibly valuable. It helps me build skills, of course, but more importantly, it has helped me to more easily generate new ideas. It also affords the permission to step out of comfort zones and try something new.
That’s why I offer these monthly photo prompt cards to help.
I find that daily prompts are a bit too much pressure for styling and photography. You need time think about the idea, gather your props, and make food if it’s included. Or you may just need time to wait and watch for the perfect moment or the ideal light to hit the room.
At the same time, one prompt or theme a month has never been enough to keep me creating new things. I like just the right amount of time to focus before I move on to the next thing.
So that’s why I include 5 prompts a month. Find the number that works for you. Maybe you focus on 1 a week; maybe you do 3 in a weekend.
My hope is that you collect these cards each month, whether you keep them in a spot for digital access or print them (they are designed to be 3x2-inch cards), and then return to them each year. See what it is that they prompt you to create as your skills, visions, and goals grow over time.
Be sure to read the introduction document in the download. It explains each of the prompts for the month and has some photo examples for inspiration.